Often, all you need to defer RN school is to submit a deferral request through your college’s online system or state’s TAC (Tertiary Admissions Center). The method RNs use depends on their institution’s procedure, so they may need to understand it first. Sometimes nurses will need to give reasons for the deferral and their plans for the year.  

What are the pros of deferring RN school? 

If you are considering deferring RN, here are some reasons why you should proceed with your plans. 


  • Travel 

As long as your plans adhere to the current COVID-19 pandemic regulations, traveling can increase your awareness of other cultures. Apart from appreciating nature and learning about different places, RNs get a chance to create a network of international friends. Traveling can help you learn new things while widening your horizons.  


  • Encourages independence and builds confidence 

During their deferment, nurses can use their skills to make travel arrangements, find accommodation, know how to budget, and live according to their budgets.  


  • Develop your work experience 

If your deferment plans are relevant to your course and preferred career, you will have lots to include in your CV and job applications. Further, you will improve your studies, getting a chance to shine among the crowd both during an interview and on paper. Assuming they will have engaged in a few entry jobs, nurses will be more committed to learning to boost their prospects and may utilize it to engage in various industries. 


  • Savings 

Deferring RN school could be what you need to save for university, clear off your debts, fund your student life, earn extra money, and experience self-sufficiency. 


  • Learn new language  

Defer college and get an opportunity to improve your language skills, connect with your local people, and find a job. Consider doing something that will help you develop your career.  


  • Time to deliberate 

Having some time off can help you think about what is suitable for you. For example, is college right for you, what other options are available? What other thing can you engage in? RN school can be time-consuming, and RNs can defer to get a physical and mental break or engage in other commitments.  


  • Cut down costs 

RN students can use their deferment to attend a community college or enroll in other appropriate courses online. Increasing your knowledge will be valuable in the future, and you end up reducing your overall college costs. Remember, credit transfer procedures can be complex. Consider determining what will transfer or not if you choose to enroll in other colleges.  


What are the cons of deferring RN school? 

By deferring RN school, you are likely to suffer the following consequences. 


  • The university may decline your request 

Some universities may deny your request to defer before you begin college due to various reasons. For example, postponement may not be the best option if they plan to discontinue or change the course. 

  • Deferring RN school could hurt your CV  

If you spent the entire year doing nothing relevant or productive, you may send signals of disorganization and laziness and create a strange gap in your CV.  


  • It could make school difficult 

Nurses may have difficulties adjusting back to school schedules or feel more mature than their colleagues. During the deferment, they may also have identified other plans that could discourage them from continuing their studies.  

  • It could be Costly 

Deferment delays the opportunity to earn more money in a graduate college. What’s more, traveling can be costly, and nurses may get used to their lifestyle and wage and end up not completing college. That could result in low lifetime wages.  

  • Deferring college can be scary 

Traveling during the pandemic has been one of the scariest and most challenging things people have had to do. Apart from getting overwhelmed by restrictions in various countries, some people risk contracting the virus and stagnating their plans in a foreign country. As a result, some people prefer to complete their studies first and taking a career break later.  

  • Limited employment opportunities 

Currently, the economy is not doing well globally, and recovery will take some time. Job opportunities that are readily accessible to college students may be temporarily available, seeing that many businesses are yet to resume normal operations.  


While nurses can defer an entire year of study, some institutions allow a two-year deferment based on the course. Are you considering a break from your studies to focus on something new and more enjoyable? Consider deferring a single semester and resuming your studies the following semester.  




LPN to RN Online